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This is the demo website for the Job Offering System, for more information visit us at: | [X] Close
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The system collects personal data from the candidate, this data is stored in the candidate's profile. This data is safeguarded under multiple safety controls, only authorized personel has access to it. There is also a close record of the access to this information. Due the nature of the system operation, personal information about the candidate at a specific point will be accessed by companies searching for people to fill a job offer. Companies do not access personal information in a generic way, only at the moment before contacting the candidate. If you do not want to participate, please request your information to be removed right now. All collected information is used exclusively under the job offering focus. This data will remain in the company until the candidate confirm his/her identity and requests its removal. This company is completely commited to safeguard the candidates information. As a candidate, you can only access company data to contact a company to request employment. Collect any information for other purposes is a FEDERAL CRIME.

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The system collects company information and information about their executives, this data is stored in the candidate's profile. This data is safeguarded under multiple safety controls, only authorized personel has access to it. There is also a close record of the access to this information. Due the nature of the system operation, some contact information about the company at a specific point will be accessed by candidates in order to contact or apply for a job. Candidates do not access contact personal information in a generic way, only at the moment before contacting the company. If you do not want to participate, please request your information to be removed right now. All collected information is used exclusively under the job offering focus. This data will remain in the company until the legal representative confirms his/her identity and requests its removal. This company is completely commited to safeguard the companies information. As a company, you can only access candidates data to contact them to offer a job related to a job offer published in this website.. Collect any information for other purposes is a FEDERAL CRIME.

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